[working to improve the future of the real estate industry]

What's The One Thing In Your Business That Needs To Take A 180?


What's The One Thing In Your Business That Needs To Take A 180?

The concept of "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" does not apply here. We need to rethink everything, even the stuff that has been working. Even those things that got you to where you are today. 

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Do You Want One-on-One Coaching With Matt?


Do You Want One-on-One Coaching With Matt?

With the unique challenges as well as great opportunities being presented in the real estate industry right now, Matt is offering a limited One-on-One Coaching opportunity.

This will be a structured engagement, focused on recruiting, profitability and agent development, yet still tailored to meet your specific needs. 

Interested in having Matt as your personal coach? Space is limited, so sign up today!

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One Challenge At A Time: Starting With Teams


One Challenge At A Time: Starting With Teams

2022 has brought many changes to the real estate industry and to the RE/MAX network as well. With so many things going on, it is best we tackle these one at a time. Let's start with teams and the overall team structure, let's develop a new model that benefits all.

Join us in Matt's Mentorship Community as we dive into the teams model!

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Five Pillars. Who's In?


Five Pillars. Who's In?

We've revamped the mentorship program to be a community for all RE/MAX owners that want to be involved for in the betterment of the brand, and are inviting members to join us again. 

There will be various levels of involvement available to you, but wherever you land, you will find great value in this group. So, who's in?

Are YOU in? CLICK HERE for more information and to sign up!

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What Does RE/MAX Mean To You?


What Does RE/MAX Mean To You?

As a network of broker/owners, we need to lead the direction we are headed as a brand. You chose RE/MAX over other brands at one point, why is that? 

Every brand goes through a transformation, so let's take ours where it needs to go.

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Realizing The Magnitude Of Our Network


Realizing The Magnitude Of Our Network

The RE/MAX community is made up of brilliant minds, all of whom bring a different perspective to the table. The diversity and strength of our network gives us the potential to make a real impact on this industry, in a powerful and positive way.

So let's embrace our network, leverage what we already have, and start working together toward a singular vision.

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A Catalyst To Our New Approach


A Catalyst To Our New Approach

A new approach among RE/MAX broker/owners is happening and we are able to transition from the legacy RE/MAX to a modern one. External factors are causing an acceleration in our already changing industry, and we have the knowledge and resources to give ourselves a head start. 

Developing a new approach will push us back to the forefront of the industry, so let's embrace our network and get to work.

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New Year. New Approach.


New Year. New Approach.

Everyone has to take a step back once in a while to re-evaluate their goals, as well as their approach in reaching those goals. 

The goal behind these videos remains the same -- to provide valuable content and better the overall RE/MAX network, but the approach will match the opportunities that lie ahead. 

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