[working to improve the future of the real estate industry]

Goods And Evils Of Tech


Goods And Evils Of Tech

There is a ton of technology out there, so what's good tech and what falls more under the time-sucking, evil tech category? Tech can be your friend, but on the flip side, also has the ability to simply increase inefficiencies if it's not the right tech for you.

Be sure to capitalize on those things that remove irritations from your day, and bypass those things that cause more issues than they provide value.

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Do You Want One-on-One Coaching With Matt?


Do You Want One-on-One Coaching With Matt?

With the unique challenges as well as great opportunities being presented in the real estate industry right now, Matt is offering a limited One-on-One Coaching opportunity.

This will be a structured engagement, focused on recruiting, profitability and agent development, yet still tailored to meet your specific needs. 

Interested in having Matt as your personal coach? Space is limited, so sign up today!

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New Year. New Approach.


New Year. New Approach.

Everyone has to take a step back once in a while to re-evaluate their goals, as well as their approach in reaching those goals. 

The goal behind these videos remains the same -- to provide valuable content and better the overall RE/MAX network, but the approach will match the opportunities that lie ahead. 

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